Why do I feel that we're Blessed Beyond Belief? Well, for starters, the pregnancy alone has been wonderful. I really don't feel as though I can complain. Certainly, I'm starting to feel those 'end-of-pregnancy' pains like swelling of the feet and ankles, sharp pelvic pains (lightening), and acid indegestion, but even those don't happen on a daily basis. Some days I sleep A LOT (like yesterday) and others I'm awake at 3am. I'm sure Sajid would include in this list - Emotional, Hormonal, and Grouchy. But, Hey - I'm a woman! That's to be expected, right? Everyday is different, but none are unmanageable.
The amount of love that we've been shown by our families, our church, our friends, and even co-workers also reminds me of how Blessed we are. June 29th denoted the last of 4 baby showers. FOUR! Can you believe that? People have just gone above and beyond anything we ever expected. I wish you could see our living room and bedroom. Well, some of you have. They're loaded with diapers, wipes, towels, wash cloths, onesies, socks, bed sheets, bibs, burp cloths, books, blankets, diaper bags, bath tub, bumbo seat, CLOTHES GALORE, co-sleeper, pack-n-play, bouncy, exersaucer, floor gym, swing, car seat, stroller, digital camcorder, and soon - a crib, changing table, and nursery bedding. Not to mention all the maternity clothes, bottles, and nursing necessecities that many of you have let me borrow or handed down to me. The out-pouring of love and support has just been amazing. We can't thank everyone enough.
Keep in mind, the clothes across the top of the sofa are stacks - at least 10 outfits deep. Plus, we hadn't even had the church shower yet. It was the next day (June 29). We now have about 15-20 more outfits to add to his warddrobe.
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