Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ending the Ear Cycle...Hopefully

Unfortunately, Ethan has had quite a few bouts with ear infections. So much, that the last two times, his eyes were oozing 24/7. He was one pitiful baby. I was in great turmoil at that time, not knowing what was the right thing to do. -take him to pedriatrician? -take him to ENT? -just do nothing (as the chiropractor suggests)? -put him on meds? don't put him on meds? Ugh!

I turned to the one person who I knew would provide the best advice, my wonderful friend Lisa Cantrell. She was amazingly helpful and thanks to her, Ethan is now back to his same ole cute sweet happy self. The latest and greatest news (from today's check up w/ Dr. Brar) is that the infections are gone; everything is cleared up. And, we're going to start giving him Zyrtec 1x/day to keep the infections at bay. This is so exciting to me b/c the only other options would have been either a very very painful shot, an IV, or tubes. Please pray that the Zytec will do the trick.

(P.S. the only reason those would have been the only other options is b/c Ethan's Nasal Swab showed that the bacteria he had is resistant to the common antibiotics administered for infections. That explains why they kept coming back (almost 1 week to the day after we stopped the antibiotic). Hopefully, beginning the Zyrtec will stops this cycle.)

1 comment:

Samantha said...

oh no! poor little Ethan. luckily Keegan hasn't had any ear problems yet . he was really rotten yesterday and i thought that may have been the problem, but he was an angel today so it must not of been. i hope he doesn't get any! and i hope the zyrtec works for ya'll!