Thursday, May 21, 2009

Time Out

(May 20th) I never dreamed that I would hear Ethan's teachers tell me that they had to put him in timeout at 10 months. Now, I know I'm probably being a little dramatic about it, but the point is...he was placed in his crib for a couple minutes b/c he wouldn't leave the other kids alone.

After talking to all the teachers, I learned that he plays extremely rough with the other kids. That doesn't really surprise me. Every since he started crawling, he's always wanted to "wrestle" with the "big" kids. What I mean by that is...anytime another child is around, whether it be 2 year old Hannah or 17 year old Anna, he plays w/ them like he is their age. Which has always been kind of cute. But now that he's doing that w/ the kids in his classroom, and laughing when they cry, I'm a little bothered. I know he means absolutely no harm, but I certainly want and feel the need to start really trying to teach him how to play nice. I don't want my child to already be labeled the "bad kid in the class".

(May 21st) After speaking w/ my mama, the pediatrician, and Kay Kay (owner of daycare), I feel much much better about the situation. All of them pretty much agree w/ my original thought of "Ethan might already be bored in that room." I hope some of my blog readers don't take this the wrong way, but Ethan has been ahead of the game developmentally from the get-go. Believe me, I don't thinks it's mine and Sajid's parenting skills; I think it's just Ethan's personality.

We're going to skim through some of the video footage to see if Ethan's behavior might be due to boredom. If so, Kay Kay said she would consider going ahead and moving him up. I definitely want the best thing for Ethan, but I kind of hope he's able to stay in his current room a little while longer. Those teachers have been so wonderful and instramental at getting him on a great eating and napping routine. Plus, they love my baby, and that by itself means the world to me. I have no doubt though that he could hang with the big kids though!

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